Last week was the annual Flowerpots Rodeo in Exeter. For the guys that don’t know about Pots Rodeo it’s a laid back freestyle event taking place on Flowerpots weir hosted by Exeter University Canoe Club with all the profits going to charity. Ewart from AS Watersports kindly invited me along to run some freestyle workshops.
The day started off with a boater cross challenge which the competitors started upstream of the weir and ended at the bottom of flowerpots with various challenges along the way. Unfortunately due to lack of rain the weir was too shallow for playboating so I worked on some flatwater freestyle skills. We even got some filming done by Rob from Altitude 8 which I can’t wait to see.
All in all it was a great event and it was nice to see so many people enjoying being on the water and I would like to thank all the guys who made this happen. Can’t wait for next year.
By Alex Read