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Approaching thirty is an important milestone for anyone, and for me it finally tipped the scales in a very special way: I’ve now been kayaking for more than half my life. I’m fitter than I have ever been and more stoked about the sport than ever before.

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The sun is out this weekend and with the lack of water in the rivers I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get out in my playboat for a bit of Flat water freestyle. So I grab my Jackson Kayak Rockstar and my Sandiline shorty dry cag and head out on the water. READ MORE…

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‘You’re taking playboats to the Alps?!’ This was the most common response we received when telling fellow paddlers about our planned trip to the French Alps.Our reply?‘Sure, why not? It’ll be awesome!’And it was… After the lengthy drive across France, our convoy consisting of three cars carrying six Jackson Kayak Rockstars, two Jackson Kayak Zens, eight paddlers, five non-paddling family members, rescue kit, cameras and an incredible assortment of inflatables (I’ll come to those later) finally pulled into Les Iscles campsite, Eygliers. On one side, just over an embankment, was the Durance and on the other, a lake. Perfect. Starting...

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We would like to introduce the newest member of the Squarerock Team – Michael Shaw, watch this space for more from Michael over the coming months.

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After the appearance of a ramp at the SAS Hurley Classic event a few years ago, it has been in the back of everyone’s minds… could we build a ramp on our local river? The local kayaking club’s summer barbeque provided a perfect opportunity to find out and after transporting the materials from the car park to the field by open canoe, the ramp was then assembled on the existing pontoon. The ramp was similar in structure to the Hurley classic ramp, only smaller. The frame consisted of scaffolding poles, with wooden planks securely resting on top, forming a flat...

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